22 sep. 2015 — Ytterligare order från Setra på gång? Primator, 15-09-02 På CGVs hemsida fanns förklaringen till "Sawmill Concept group" som det refererades till på andra mässan. Färila och Måla beställde installation av olika system.


Image Systems is a Swedish company that is a world leading provider of non-contact measurement products and systems. We are today two business units that act within different market segments where non-contact measurement techniques are required, where the most prominent are forest and sawmill industry, defense and automotive industries.

Four different size classes are available. Allowing for the cutting of logs with a maximum diameter of 90, 110, 135 or even 160 centimetres. At Setra Malå the investment involves upgrading the trimmer and includes a camera for automated sorting and a new control system. Exactly as at Setra’s sawmills in Färila and Nyby, where similar investments were made in 2014, the goal is to improve the efficiency of timber sorting with more consistent quality, lower production costs and Legal notice/Disclaimer: The information in The Sawmill Database is collected from official data found in publications and brochures as well as on company homepages. We have also used information from media and specialist literature. Another source of data is personal contacts in the industry and data given to us directly from sawmill officials.

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Seneca Sawmill Company, USA BoardMaster HD (April 2017) - system at Stud Mill Complex Woodgrain Millwork,​ Setra Malå, Sweden BoardMaster HDL E1 This applies regardless of whether a sawmill wants to replace existing drying system to the Alent Dynamic® Production Manager at Setra, Malå, Sweden  26 Aug 2016 Kemijärvi Sawmill in Finland. The company placed an order with Heinola Sawmill Machinery for… Setra upgrades trimmer at Malå sawmill  30. 31. SAFETY DRIVING LICENCE AT SETRA at malå Sawmill, an internal safety training programme has been started as a pilot project.

/ Setra Se Matti Stendahls profil på LinkedIn, världens största yrkesnätverk. Matti har angett 5 jobb i sin profil. Se hela profilen på LinkedIn, se Mattis kontakter och hitta jobb på liknande företag.

Sweden: Setra to upgrade two sawmills During autumn 2015, Setra will make technology investments at the sawmills in Malå and Färila, both located in Sweden. At Setra Malå the investment involves upgrading the trimmer and includes a camera for automated sorting and a new control system.

2018 — Hon kommer att bli en betydande kraft i att utveckla Setra Malå och produktionens ledningsgrupp vidare, säger Anna Rasmuson,  Sveaskog Setra Malå sågverk Norsjö Trä SVE HEINOLA SAWMILL SOLUTIONS HEINOLA presentation HEINOLA SAWMILL SOLUTIONS Åtskilliga årtionden  av K Berntsson · 2016 — Motiven till detta varierar. Vissa anser att det är ett sätt för företagen att måla upp Setra. Institutionen för skogens produkter, SLU, Uppsala. 51.

Setra mala sawmill

6 jul 2020 Setra planerar att söka tillstånd för att öka produktionen vid sitt säger Marlene Bergström, platschef Setra Malå, om planerna på att söka 

Setra mala sawmill

storskaligt försök tillsammans med Sveaskog/SETRA Group med lyckat resultat. mala gallringar med inte tree models and sawmill conversion simulation. av O Carlson Bjernald · 2019 — Malatesta (1983) och Jensen (1986) anser att M&A är en åtgärd som i BERGS TIMBER B. SETRA TRAVAROR AB'S. SAWMILLS IN VIMMERBY  het i Eriksmåla beläget endast 18 km från Bergs Timbers anlägg- Setra Trävaror. Vida.

092220800 Holmen Timber AB Braviken Sawmill. 011235000. 601 88 Setra Malå. 095341400. Storgatan 75. 930 70  AP Makalinkam Ponginan – AP Makapong Khattiwong · AP Makola Jong – AP Makouhoui · AP Mala Mahanadu – AP Mala Mahanadu Malamahanadu  Malå.
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Setra mala sawmill

The Group has approximately 800 employees and annual sales of SEK 4 billion. Setra Group includes a total of nine sawmills, three processing units and two modular building factories.

Träindustriföretaget Setra kommer att minska produktionen vid sin anläggning i Malå. 23 ur personalen varslas om uppsägning från och med maj 2020. Setra Group has a total of nine sawmills, three processing units and two modular building factories. Setra Malå is a redwood sawmill with integrated processing.
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Setra Group has a total of nine sawmills, three processing units and two modular building factories. Setra Malå is a redwood sawmill with integrated processing. The number of employees is approximately 80 and production volume in 2014 totalled 174,000 cubic metres.

Setra is one of Sweden’s largest wood products companies and a leading player in Europe. We process raw material from responsibly managed forests and offer climate-friendly products and solutions for building and living in a global market. The Group has approximately 800 employees and annual sales of SEK 4.2 billion. Setra is acquiring the property Rubanken 2 from IKEA Industry Malå AB. The facility is suitable for wood processing and is adjacent to Setra’s sawmill in Malå.. The geographical location and the property’s suitability for wood processing mean that it is a good fit in Setra’s long‐term plans for the area. Malå sawmill, which is part of Setra Group, is to scale down production to adjust its operations to the local raw material situation.

Setra Trävaror AB är verksam inom sågning av trä och hade totalt 703 anställda 2019. Antalet anställda har minskat med 85 personer sedan 2018 då det jobbade 788 personer på företaget. Bolaget är ett aktiebolag som varit aktivt sedan 1972. Setra Trävaror AB omsatte 4 204 055 000 kr senaste räkenskapsåret (2019).

Rickard Westerberg, Manager of Malå sawmill, comments: “In the area around Malå here in central Norrland the volume of available timber raw material is decreasing. Setra has announced an investment of an unspecified amount for its Malå-sawmill to be implemented in fall. It will include a trimmer upgrade, control systems and introduce automated sorting. The project in the Setra’s redwood sawmill is aimed at optimising sawing yield, improving production monitoring including downtime follow-up and laying the foundations for future improvements in the saw Setra’s sawmill in Vimmerby has some 70 employees and is a specialised redwood sawmill. In 2007 a total of 190,000 m3 was sawn at the mill and the estimated volume for 2008 is 160,000 m3. Setra will purchase both delivery timber and standing timber from final felling and thinning. Sweden: Setra to upgrade two sawmills During autumn 2015, Setra will make technology investments at the sawmills in Malå and Färila, both located in Sweden.

Strengthening and empowering a corporate culture based on shar Read more. Raw Materials. Setra's production consists of the raw materials from spruce a Read more.